Simon Everett
Simon is a poet and poet-translator. His latest pamphlet of poetry, Tamám (Litmus Press, 2020), is an experimental reimagining of The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. His translations of Chinese T’ang dynasty poetry have been published in magazines such as STAND, and his translations of contemporary Chinese poet Zhang Yangyang appeared in Chinese Arts and Letters journal.
He holds a PhD in Creative Writing from the University of Essex, funded by the Consortium for the Humanities and the Arts South-East England (CHASE). Simon was also the Layout Editor of the Brief Encounters CHASE journal from 2017-2019.
Moyra Tourlamain
Deputy Editor
Moyra is a poet and experienced editor. Her first poetry collection, The Book of Hours of Kitty Power was published in 2015 by vErIsImIlLiTuDe and her most recent pamphlet, Peripheral Visions, was published by Oystercatcher Press in 2021. Her work features in a number of anthologies and her translations of Paul Celan have appeared in STAND, which recently published extracts from ‘Occipital Outcome’, a sequence from Peripheral Visions.
She has a PhD in Poetry: Practice as Research from the University of Kent and a particular interest in the work of W.S. Graham. She has been an educational publisher, a magazine editor, a broadcaster and a BBC bureaucrat. She was Canterbury Festival Poet of the Year in 2010/11.
Adam Neikirk
Associate Editor
Adam is a poet and scholar of British Romanticism with research interests in prosody, immersion, and philosophy of literature. His most recent poetry pamphlet, Itchy (Muscaliet Press, 2022), was an exploration of his life as a diabetic doctoral student living in England’s oldest city. His critical writings have appeared in the Coleridge Bulletin and elsewhere.
He holds a PhD in Creative Writing from the University of Essex, where he composed a verse biography of Samuel Taylor Coleridge under the supervision of Susan Oliver and Philip Terry.