ISBN 978-1-912616-11-4 | Poetry; Translation | B Format (UK), Paperback, 39pp
A rich selection of Paul Valéry’s poetry from translators Brinton and Grant. From the bountiful imagery of ‘Palm Tree’ to the meditations of ‘The Mariners’ Graveyard’, the breadth of Valéry’s poetic talent is shown anew with precision and zeal.
This companion edition to Stéphane Mallarmé Poems is an unmissable contribution from his poetic successor.
“Brinton’s and Grant’s translation exhibits a precision of diction while offering up an ‘incomprehensibility’ (Valéry’s word of sublime approbation), in which clusters of images never quite achieve resolution but rather leave the reader speechless before a verbal structure in which every word and nuance has been accounted for.” – Michael Heller